Recipient of Tim Cooper Memorial Scholarship Announced

Tim Cooper Memorial Scholarship

At our recent banquet fundraiser event, we proudly announced scholarship availability in the name of Tim Cooper, a former member and longtime supporter of our Mission. The Chapter is proud to offer funding to students who are pursuing and continuing education by way of college, university or trade school.

Tim Cooper Memorial Scholarship
Tim Cooper loved life. He enjoyed nature, wildlife, and the pursuit of wild game. He displayed a jovial spirit as he recounted stories of pack strings, bighorn sheep, odds and results, his hunts, and his wife Paula’s hunts. He quarried others with a genuine interest in their pursuits. He respected other hunters and their success or lack of. He’s what more hunters need to emulate. A tragic car accident cut Tim’s life short. To honor him and because of his positive display toward wildlife, conservation, sharing it with others, and supporting his community, Four Corners SCI is proud to honor his legacy with the Tim Cooper Memorial scholarship, which will be awarded to students who also display these admirable qualities.

Tate Hinger – Scholarship Award Recipient

After reviewing scholarship applications, the Board of Directors is proud to announce that Tate Hinger, of Pagosa Springs Colorado, is the Chapter’s first recipient of the Tim Cooper Memorial Scholarship.


“I plan to do everything in my power to preserve the wildlife, wilderness, and wonder I experienced as a kid. I hope to attend college and explore various professions where I could apply the leadership skills I’ve gained in life. As a hard-working, dedicated young man I know the value of the outdoors. It’s a gift that is too beautiful to hide and yet too precious to neglect.” Tate Hinger

In his scholarship application, Hinger shared many scholastic accomplishments, an extensive list of extracurricular activities, community service and remarkable essays. These items show his determination, drive and his support of our Mission.

This content originally appeared in the Summer, 2018 issue of the Four Corners SCI News. If you would like to be added to our mail or e-mail list, please CLICK HERE to send us your information.

Categories: SCI News, Supporting Youth

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